
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

You Can Run, But You Can't Hide

As I sit here at my computer screen, I'm slowly but surely working my way through a box of Kleenex tissues. Yep, you guessed it, I've got Fresher's Flu. Despite the fact that I was given plenty of advance warning, and despite the fact that my best friend made a point of giving me a packet of Lemsip before I left, I foolishly believed I could avoid illness at all costs. So for anyone reading this who has yet to start university, take heed - you are not indestructible. Keep that Lemsip on standby!

So aside from the fact that my sense of smell is temporarily impaired (some might say that's a good thing) and my head feels several pounds heavier than usual, things are going pretty well. Over the past couple of days I've joined the Media Production Society, Music Society and the Ladies Soccer Club. Should be plenty to keep me busy outside of coursework! MPS are having their first official meeting of the year this evening, so I'm going along to that. As for the soccer club, I was unsure about whether to join, as I didn't know if all levels would be catered for and it's been quite a long time since I've played. Luckily you can just play for fun, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. Time to get back in shape!

Also today I'm meeting up with Aoife, a very good friend of mine from primary school. She's in her second year of studying Horticulture here. We've known each other since we were four or five years old - the very start of our school lives. It'll be great to catch up! Before that, though, I'm going to a study skills workshop with some of my coursemates in about half an hour's time. To be honest it's mainly to give me something to do this afternoon! But it'll hopefully also help me brush up on my presentation skills.

The Mac labs are now working for us, and I had an Authoring session this morning. I now know the very basics of animation using Flash, but I'm having some trouble with the 'walk cycle'. This is where I have to make an animated bug walk across the screen. There are so many sets of legs that it's a little confusing! But I'm sure I'll get there eventually. Practice makes perfect!

And just as I finished typing that last sentence, the weather has taken a dramatic turn for the worse. As if we didn't have enough rain last week! Maybe this is why I'm sick...

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